WAP Jour fixe – Bruce Fink (Pittsburgh): A Lacanian Approach to the Four Clinical Structures: Autism, Psychosis, Neurosis, and Perversion
A great deal of work on autism has been done by Lacanians in the years since I wrote my Clinical Introduction to Lacanian Psy-
choanalysis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1997), in which I presented the three main clinical structures. Today
there is some consensus in the Lacanian world, at least, to consider autism to be a separate structure. I will thus talk about
four different clinical structures here today, and not solely in terms of their corresponding forms of negation, but rather in
terms of a number of different processes or criteria, including how, in each structure, language is assimilated, how the drives
are handled, how jouissance is dealt with, where authority resides, whether the body is inhabited or not, and how psycho-
analysts can be of assistance. This will, I believe, fill out and complement the discussions of those structures that I provided in my Clinical Introduction.
Bruce Fink is a Lacanian psychoanalyst and supervisor who trained at the École de la Cause freudienne in Paris. He has trans-
lated many of Lacan’s works into English—including Écrits, The Names-of-the-Father, The Triumph of Religion, and Seminars
VI, VIII, XVI, XVIII, and XX—and is the author of numerous books on Lacan. He also published A Clinical Introduction
to Freud: Techniques for Everyday Practice. A board member of the Pittsburgh Psychoanalytic Center, he has also penned several
mysteries involving a character loosely based on Jacques Lacan: The Psychoanalytic Adventures of Inspector Canal, Death by Analysis, Odor di Murderer/Scent of a Killer, The Purloined Love, and
most recently The Da Vinci Staircase: Love and Turbulence in the Loire Valley. His books have been translated into 17 different languages.
Moderation: Jeanne Wolff Bernstein
Anmeldung bis spätestens 24.9. unter psychoanalyse@aon.at
Datum/Uhrzeit: | Fr., 27.09.2024 19:00 – 21:00 UhrAls VCalendar (ICS) speichern |
Raum: |
Veranstaltung: | WAP Jour fixe |
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