13th International Bion Conference in New York City, June 4-8, 2025
Dear colleagues
Early bird registration is open now for the upcoming 13th International Bion Conference at the New School for Social Research in New York City, June 4-8, 2025!
See the flyer below to get an idea what we are proposing. And please check out our website at BIONNYC.COM
Paper and "No-Paper" submissions are being accepted now!
Please consider participating in our meeting!
In the spirit of the International Bion Conferences, we will emphasize small group engagement with Bion's ideas, exploring and discovering his work, whether anew or for the first time, as well as more traditional offerings in the form of papers and panels. See our website for more details. BIONNYC.COM
Also, please note we are offering a series of Pre-Conference Groups beginning March 16th. These groups are intended to open up a more first-hand encounter with Bion's work and will contribute to the structure of our meeting. Each group will be given an opportunity at the conference itself to present or demonstrate their realizations, in whatever forms they wish. Pre-Conference group registration is open now! (It is not necessary to attend the pre-conference groups in order to fully participate in the conference itself.)
Please note also that we are asking for prospective conference participants to send in a brief abstract by March 16th. We want to emphasise that this is just meant to be a way we can gauge interest and plan the conference accordingly.
It can be a more traditional abstract, but could also be perhaps a wild thought or two that you would like to offer to the conference committee as a possible contribution you might be developing to present at the meeting. Or, consider with whom you might want to be in dialogue. We will see what we can do.
We are open to all suggestions!
So, please consider joining us in New York City at the New School for Social Research in Greenwich Village. We are reserving blocks of hotel rooms and will have some wonderful fun activities to offer as well.
Please keep checking our website at BIONNYC.COM for more developments as they unfold.
Also please check back for more speakers as we add to the list that now includes, Arnaldo Chuster, MD, Howard Levine, MD, Avner Bergstein MA, FIPA, Jeff Eaton, MA, FIPA, Judy Eekhoff, PhD, FIPA, David Lichtenstein, PhD, Jani Santamaria, PhD, Afsaneh Alisobhani, PsyD, Tom Helscher, PhD and more to come...
We look forward to welcoming you for some Big Apple Bion!!
James Ogilvie, PhD
Deborah Sherman, BC-DMT, LMHC
Olga Pugachevsky, PhD
Masha Yaglom, PhD, LCSW